


A trait that can be mixed into Exception classes that want to have messages formatted with a hint.


This is the base class for all exceptions raised by the Sym Runtime.

exception sym.sdk.exceptions.sym_exception.ExceptionWithHint(error_type: str, name: str, message: str)

Bases: sym.sdk.exceptions.sym_exception.SymException

A trait that can be mixed into Exception classes that want to have messages formatted with a hint.

Overrides the __str__ method to provide a formatted output string.

i.e. the output will look like > This is my main exception message > > Hint: This is the exception hint

Caution: This class should not be used for matching exceptions in except statements!

property hint

The string to be displayed in the Hint section


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception sym.sdk.exceptions.sym_exception.SymException(error_type: str, name: str, message: str)

Bases: Exception

This is the base class for all exceptions raised by the Sym Runtime.

Not to be confused with SymIntegrationError, which extends this exception and is the base exception for errors that occur in functions that integrate with the Sym platform itself.

  • error_type – The class of exception (used as the first part of the error_code, e.g. AuthenticationError)

  • name – The name of the exception (used as the second part of the error_code, e.g. INVALID_JWT)

  • message – The exception message to display


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.