
sym.sdk.integrations.pagerduty.is_on_call(user: sym.sdk.user.User, *, escalation_policy_name: Optional[str] = None, escalation_policy_id: Optional[str] = None, schedule_name: Optional[str] = None, schedule_id: Optional[str] = None) bool

Checks if the provided user is currently on-call according to PagerDuty.

If a name or ID is provided for either escalation policy or schedule, checks if the user is on-call for specified escalation policy or schedule.

If no name or ID is provided for either escalation policy or schedule, checks if the user is on-call for ANY escalation policy or schedule.

  • escalation_policy_name – The name of a specific Escalation Policy to check.

  • escalation_policy_id – The ID of a specific Escalation Policy to check.

  • schedule_name – The name of a specific Schedule to check.

  • schedule_id – The ID of a specific Schedule to check.