
class sym.sdk.request_permission.PermissionLevel(value)

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Represent basic Request permission categories in the Sym platform.

PermissionLevels are defined in descending order of permissions. Each permission level includes all permission levels below it.



Permissions are applied to admins only.


Permissions are applied to admins and members only.


Permissions are applied to all users (admins, members and guests).

ADMIN = 'admin'

Permissions are applied to admins only. Admins are allowed to do anything. (e.g. Use symflow CLI, run Flows, apply Terraform).

ALL_USERS = 'all_users'

Permissions are applied to all users (admins, members and guests). Guests can approve/deny/revoke Requests, if the Flow is configured to allow guest interactions.

MEMBER = 'member'

Permissions are applied to admins and members only. Members can run Flows and interact with Requests.